Latest SR EXE version, please unzip and copy it into your "HTS-Spectroradiometer" directory. Test it in your environment. When all ok change
your link name to this file.
Latest version
Added warning message plus print inhibit if ADC too high, means too much light
Save / Restore improved
Fixed erronous calib out of date message
Fixed date Format issue foreign countries
Fixed a small bug.
Corrected the Certificate Number: Please insert in SR-Control sheet in the field "Enter your Name" Your initial then a dot then your last Name, e.g.: F.Both no space, then it shows e.g. 20170504FBo1034 as certificate number. This is the date in front of your initials and the time behind the initials.
Made a warning field when Max ADC out of preferred range.
Made exe in a way that user can easily save load last data.
HTS Logo implemented, Comparison Page improved, Menue made easier, SPDs selective deletable, fixed a bug
exe File
6.8 MB
Changes made with this version:
- SW improved a bit
- fixed a bug showing false license key expired
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